Carlos Andrés Benavides Viveros
Especialidades y subespecialidades: Cirugía de Trasplantes, Cirugía General
Idiomas: Español, Inglés

Médico especialista en Cirugía General egresado de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y subespecialista en Cirugía de Trasplantes de la University of Texas Medical School at Houston, vinculado a la Fundación Cardioinfantil desde el 2007, Miembro activo de la Asociación Americana de Cirujanos de Trasplantes (ASTS) y de las Asociación Colombiana de trasplantes (ACTO).
Actualmente como líder de trasplante renal adulto y pediátrico en LaCardio.
Áreas de interés
- Enfermedad renal en etapa terminal
- Trasplante de riñón
- Trasplante de riñón de donante fallecido
- Trasplante de riñón de donante vivo
- Trasplante preventivo de riñón
Sociedades científicas
- Asociación Colombiana de Trasplante de Órganos (ACTO – Vicepresidente)
- American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS – Fellow y miembro activo)
Murcia CA, Rivera JE, Mejia GA, Benavides CA, Garzon JC, Urueña N. Abordaje toraco-abdominal de la fistula broncobiliar. Rev Colomb Cir. 2017; 32:223-228
Mejia GA, Olarte-Parra C, Pedraza A, Rivera JB, Benavides CA. Biliary complications after liver transplantation: Incidence, risk factors and impact on patient and graft survival. Transplant Proc 2016; 48(2): 665-68
García P, Munevar M, Benavides C, Contreras K. Primer trasplante renal en Colombia en paciente con infección por VIH. Acta Med Colomb 2015; 40(2): 162-165
Gamboa O, Montero C, Mesa L, Benavides C, Reino A, Torres RE, Castillo JS. Cost-effectiveness analysis of the early conversion of tacrolimus to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in patients with renal transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2011; 43(9):3367-76
García PK, Córdoba JP, Rodríguez MP, Echeverri JE, Lozano E, Benavides C. Sarcoma de Kaposi en trasplante renal, respuesta a sirolimus: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura científica. Univ Med 2011; 52(2):209-218
Kahan, BD, Benavides C, Schoenberg L, Podbielski J, Green C. Addition of induction therapy offsets the hazard of marked calcineurin minimization among renal transplant recipients treated with sirolimus. Clin Nephrol 2010; 73(5):344-53
Bernal, JE, Martínez F, Henao FJ; Pulido HH, Mejía G, Benavides CA, Echeverri GJ, Uribe AM, Dañobeitia SJ. Uso de filtros de nylon: nueva técnica para aislamiento de islotes pancreáticos en un modelo de experimentación canino: estandarización de la técnica. Univ Med 2009; 50(4):452-467
Knight RJ, Villa M, Laskey R, Benavides C, Schoenberg L, Welsh M, Kerman RH, Podder H, Van Buren CT, Katz SM, Kahan BD. Risk factors for impaired wound healing in sirolimus-treated renal transplant recipients. Clin Transplant 2007; 21: 460-5
Benavides CA, Pollard VB, Mauiyyedi S, Podder H, Knight R, Kahan BD. BK Virus-Associated Nephropathy in Sirolimus-Treated Renal Transplant Patients: Incidence, Course, and Clinical Outcomes. Transplantation 2007; 84(1):83-88
Benavides CA, Csapo Z, Timmins K, Holey L, Katz SM, Van Buren CT, Kahan BD. Fibromuscular dysplasia recurrence after kidney transplantation: Case report. Clin Nephrol 2006; 66(1):67-70
Csapo Z, Benavides-Viveros C, Podder H, Pollard V, Kahan BD. Campath-1H as Rescue Therapy for the Treatment of Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplant Patients. Transplant Proc 2005; 37(5):2032-6
Benavides C, Mahmoud KH, Knight R, Barcenas C, Kahan BD, Van Buren CT. Rabbit antithymocyte globulin: a postoperative risk factor for sirolimus-treated renal transplant patients? Transplant Proc 2005; 37(2):822-6
Lappin J, Benavides C, Merhav H , Forgacs B, Saggi B, Mieles L. Early conversion to rapamycin after liver transplantation – dyslipidemia, wound healing and thrombotic events. Liver Transplantation 2005; 11(7):C43. Abstract
Knight R J, Csapo Z, Benavides-Viveros C, Schoenberg L, Kerman R H, Podder H, Katz S M, Van Buren C T, Kahan B D. Long-term follow-up after prednisone withdrawal using sirolimus-cyclosporine immunosuppression for renal transplantation. Transplantation 2004; 78(2) Supplement 1:665-666. AbstractMurcia CA, Rivera JE, Mejia GA, Benavides CA, Garzon JC, Urueña N. Abordaje toraco-abdominal de la fistula broncobiliar. Rev Colomb Cir. 2017; 32:223-228
Mejia GA, Olarte-Parra C, Pedraza A, Rivera JB, Benavides CA. Biliary complications after liver transplantation: Incidence, risk factors and impact on patient and graft survival. Transplant Proc 2016; 48(2): 665-68
García P, Munevar M, Benavides C, Contreras K. Primer trasplante renal en Colombia en paciente con infección por VIH. Acta Med Colomb 2015; 40(2): 162-165
Gamboa O, Montero C, Mesa L, Benavides C, Reino A, Torres RE, Castillo JS. Cost-effectiveness analysis of the early conversion of tacrolimus to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in patients with renal transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2011; 43(9):3367-76
García PK, Córdoba JP, Rodríguez MP, Echeverri JE, Lozano E, Benavides C. Sarcoma de Kaposi en trasplante renal, respuesta a sirolimus: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura científica. Univ Med 2011; 52(2):209-218
Kahan, BD, Benavides C, Schoenberg L, Podbielski J, Green C. Addition of induction therapy offsets the hazard of marked calcineurin minimization among renal transplant recipients treated with sirolimus. Clin Nephrol 2010; 73(5):344-53
Bernal, JE, Martínez F, Henao FJ; Pulido HH, Mejía G, Benavides CA, Echeverri GJ, Uribe AM, Dañobeitia SJ. Uso de filtros de nylon: nueva técnica para aislamiento de islotes pancreáticos en un modelo de experimentación canino: estandarización de la técnica. Univ Med 2009; 50(4):452-467
Knight RJ, Villa M, Laskey R, Benavides C, Schoenberg L, Welsh M, Kerman RH, Podder H, Van Buren CT, Katz SM, Kahan BD. Risk factors for impaired wound healing in sirolimus-treated renal transplant recipients. Clin Transplant 2007; 21: 460-5
Benavides CA, Pollard VB, Mauiyyedi S, Podder H, Knight R, Kahan BD. BK Virus-Associated Nephropathy in Sirolimus-Treated Renal Transplant Patients: Incidence, Course, and Clinical Outcomes. Transplantation 2007; 84(1):83-88
Benavides CA, Csapo Z, Timmins K, Holey L, Katz SM, Van Buren CT, Kahan BD. Fibromuscular dysplasia recurrence after kidney transplantation: Case report. Clin Nephrol 2006; 66(1):67-70
Csapo Z, Benavides-Viveros C, Podder H, Pollard V, Kahan BD. Campath-1H as Rescue Therapy for the Treatment of Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplant Patients. Transplant Proc 2005; 37(5):2032-6
Benavides C, Mahmoud KH, Knight R, Barcenas C, Kahan BD, Van Buren CT. Rabbit antithymocyte globulin: a postoperative risk factor for sirolimus-treated renal transplant patients? Transplant Proc 2005; 37(2):822-6
Lappin J, Benavides C, Merhav H , Forgacs B, Saggi B, Mieles L. Early conversion to rapamycin after liver transplantation – dyslipidemia, wound healing and thrombotic events. Liver Transplantation 2005; 11(7):C43. Abstract
Knight R J, Csapo Z, Benavides-Viveros C, Schoenberg L, Kerman R H, Podder H, Katz S M, Van Buren C T, Kahan B D. Long-term follow-up after prednisone withdrawal using sirolimus-cyclosporine immunosuppression for renal transplantation. Transplantation 2004; 78(2) Supplement 1:665-666. Abstract